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Mabool: The Story Of The Three Sons Of Seven

 Informations générales
Orphaned Land Mabool: The Story Of The Three Sons Of Seven 2004 
Label : Century Media Type : Album Style : Metal progressif


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1 - The Birth Of The Three - The Unification
2 - Ocean Land - The Revelation
3 - The Kiss Of Babylon - The Sins
4 - A'salk
5 - Halo Dies - The Wrath Of God
6 - A Call To Awake - The Quest
7 - Building The Ark
8 - Norra El Norra - Entering The Ark
9 - The Calm Before The Flood
10 - Mabool - The Flood
11 - The Storm Still Rages Inside
12 - Rainbow - The Resurrection

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Septic Flesh
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