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From A Compound Eye

 Informations générales
Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye 2006 
Label : Merge records Type : Album Style : Indie Rock


Voter pour cette pochette :
TitresVotre noteNote moy 
1 - Gold
2 - Field Jacket Blues
3 - Dancing Girls And Dancing Men
4 - A Flowering Orphan
5 - The Right Thing
6 - U.S. Mustard Company
7 - The Numbered Head
8 - I'm A Widow
9 - Fresh Threats, Salad Shooters And Zip Guns
10 - Kick Me And Cancel
11 - Other Dogs Remain
12 - Kensington Cradle
13 - Love Is Stronger Than Witchcraft
14 - Hammer In Your Eyes
15 - 50 Year Old Baby
16 - I Surround You Naked
17 - Cock Of The Rainbow
18 - Conquerer Of The Moon
19 - Blessed In An Open Head
20 - A Boy In Motion
21 - Denied
22 - Lightshow
23 - I'm A Strong Lion
24 - Payment For The Babies
25 - Kingdom Without
26 - Recovering

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Jesse Young fait partie du groupe

Mamani Keita & Marc Minelli
The Youngbloods
The Figgs
The Clash
Simian Ghost


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